Never Mind the Words - Episode 1 (2016, 28m0s, all content sourced from youtube)

Language, deconstruction, perception, and TV culture. Video content from the web curated and cut around a theme. Created to air on Manhattan public access stations. 



All content is sourced directly from public-uploaded content on YouTube. Never Mind the Words is a project conceived to air on Manhattan public access TV. Manhattan public access occupies 5 stations available 24/7 to all residents of Manhattan. The stations air content submitted by residents of Manhattan. The video content that airs on these public access stations is comparable to user-submitted content on YouTube, but is imbued with an immediacy that streaming content lacks. 

What is the purpose of public access TV in the YouTube age? Who is watching? This project interprets the act of broadcasting content live over cable networks as an act of performative consecration. The broadcast is singular and exists in real-time. The performance of broadcasting is transformative to the content. The recording of the broadcast is the work. 


This episode aired on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 2:

3/15/2017 at 3:30pm

3/19/2017 at 10:30pm

3/21/2017 at 5pm